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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany
+49 30 24041420

My Story

I was born to a humble family on the outskirts of Tarragona at the end of 1981, where from a very young age I began to show passion for drawing. I usually explain anecdotally that during my childhood, while friends played football on the streets I preferred to be at home, lying on the floor drawing my favourite comic characters.

Once in school while studying for my bachelor’s degree I continued to evolve in creativity, growing in my capability and with a constant desire for learning. This led me to develop an artistic profile focused on details and the pursuit of technical improvement. In light of my creative abilities and with the encouragement of my bachelor’s degree teachers, my family decided to help me financially with the expenses of joining a university to acquire an Art degree.

I joined the Fine Arts University in Barcelona (UB) under the minimum age, and finished university in 2006. It was undoubtedly a learning phase and I gained in-depth expertise to expand my knowledge of art beyond the comics and to adapt it into an effective and constant way in all my creations. I studied History of Art, Drawing, Photography, Sculpture, Graphic Design and Painting among other disciplines, in one of the best Spanish universities.

With the reality of the world of work in front of my eyes, I decided to return to my hometown Tarragona, to become part of the CALDO DE CULTIVO studio as a graphic designer. Whilst there I had the opportunity to expand my knowledge in design programmes, such as Photoshop and Illustrator. I then went on to develop my own individuality as an illustrator in many projects for the Tarragona Council, companies and individuals.

Following a few years of exploring other professional areas where I always jointly worked freelance on the artistic side, I decided to dedicate myself to being a professional portrait artist. In 2015 for the Factory of Ideas Company, I visited many well-known establishments of Barcelona in which I did live portraits of the public and in private events for brands such as Codorniu, Tanqueray, and Captain Morgan among others.

After all these years, I continue doing freelance art projects. However, I also want to mention my relationship with music. I have done countless projects for independent labels and local and national bands since 2006, highlighting especially CRIM, APHONNIC, AZERO, BETWEEN THE FROST during their strongest era.

Later on in 2017 and until early 2018, I have been working as a graphic designer in Waitless Nexia a digital communication and marketing company in the hospitality sector.

At present and after many collective and individual art exhibitions in Barcelona and Tarragona, I am focusing on the creation of new artworks for exhibition and sale, and equally receiving order requests for portraits and illustrations. I have also been teaching drawing lessons at a school as an extracurricular activity since 2015.

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